Upper Whitewater Falls

Mike Lancaster

I'm an amateur landscape photographer in the twilight years of life.  My love of food is exceeded only by my love of photography.  I enjoy taking photos of a variety of subjects but my favorite is waterfalls and part of the reason is the challenge in reaching some of them.  A few are roadside while others take miles of mountain hiking to reach.  My life partner and travel companion is Cathie and we try to limit our hikes to no more than 8 miles per outing.  My first SLR was a Nikon purchased in 1986 and I still use some of those lenses today on my digital cameras (yes, they are auto focus).  I had gotten away from photography for a number of years but jumped back in about 8 years ago and absolutely love digital.  I use full frame, cropped sensor and phone cameras.  The important thing to me is getting the picture.  I hope you enjoy viewing my photos.  The photos below are from  a few of our outings and be sure to look at my "Portfolio" page.